Summary of the English UKFlag.gif Language E-Urban Overview Page:

  1. E-Urban Journal EN Harassment. the central e-urban blog
  2. Upcoming Events EN Can't write anything. a selection & Our comments
  3. Ur.Babel and Urbipedia New idea. volatile WORDS and sustainable PROPOSITIONS 
  4. Site News Log EN Being a chemist. Changes & Updates at the Website
  5. HuibsLog EN A lot of work. follow the ups+downs of the site editor 
  6. Mission-Methods-People EN Old hat. Ongoing thinking & dialoguing at e-urban ThinkTank.

1. New in e-urban Journal journal EN:

E-Urban JOURNAL - Recent Posts [EN]

Owning our City - Bremen 2005

°°° A Cloud of Tags from the Journal °°° : 


For a full list, click on: News [EN] in Journal-By Category

Barcelona, 1/6/06 Conference Cities & Regions for Growth. Photo e-urban.


For a full list, click on Agenda > Categories & List, or consult the Urban European Feeds Page, for announcements from EUKN, URBACT and EUROCITIES.

Upcoming Events [EN]


New idea.3. Urbipedia & Dying from the heat.Ur.Babel: 

Urbipedia provides propositions about notions we use in our practice. It is about sustainable language tools that help us to work with elements of our analyses, dialogues, partnerships, empowerment and self-evaluations.

Ur.Babel deals with WORDS. Rapidly changing words that help or that obscure what we are doing. A sound view on how, why and what is suggested by old and new neologisms that drive our world. Ur.Babel helps to discriminate between what clarifies-, and what imposes, metaphoric deviance on our day-to-day practice. Every word is explained in all 4 e-urban languages and, if applicable, compared to other words relating to it, in that language.

Urbipedia (recent posts in [EN]): Ur.Babel (recent posts):

4. Being a chemist.E-Urban Newsletter EN

Site Management Log - [EN]

 444887-497410-thumbnail.jpg  5. Fresh from HuibsloghuibslogEN

The latest article in [EN] category, for you, as a bonus... :-)



 The last five introductory articles in 'Mission-Methods-People:
(The articles are in a special Blog, 'Subtexts' - See its contents.)
