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Banner + Ticker images (17.1.07) [EN]+[3 Translations]


e-urban has a new banner. The image is a (composed) picture taken from space. It shows the city lights, starring all over Europe in the night. Europe is seen within its geographical context: Darker spaces stretch to the East, the Near Mediterranean East and to the wide African land mass in the South. It reflects our view of an Europe that is not confined to fortuitous political, ethnical and religious constraints. An Europe, in which the cities are featured and where Istanbul shines as brightly as Paris, London or Berlin. An Europe, where citizens, mostly dwelling in cities, are central to policy and to caring solidarity.

[FR FRFlag.gif + DE DEFlag.gif + NL NLFlag.gif] (PDF)>>

Urban community developers are the stars within this constellation: The City-Stars. They should be that, at least. Too often, their projects lack the necessary sustained support from politics and partners. They start shining brightly as a supernova, everybody happy and prone to cohesion. But soon, support and adhesion fall apart, and a rain of falling stars is born. e-urban wants to think over and produce solutions for more sustainability and better quality in the urban projects. Not as an intellectual excercition, but in a dialogue between the stars on the ground, the men and women who do their work daily in the European urban neighbourhoods.

The transnationality of that dialogue appears vital: The European dimension to the urban networks is has brought unseen dynamics into European urban cohesion policies. That is why there are no national borders visible in the image. And that is, why we try to produce texts in as many European languages as possible.

The Headline-tickers of the different blogs have been customised too. Here are the new background images:

For the Journal:


...the official black and blue. As a Headline Animator, it looks like this:

Journal - recent posts | articles récents [EFDN]:


For the Agenda (Upcoming Events), Green:


 For Huib's UrbLog, his preferred colour:




For Urbipedia and Ur.Babel, yellow:


And, finally, for the Site Management Blog (this Blog), a rustic timber image, that contrasts heavily with the current imagery in urban websites...


... but I am not sure that we're going to use that in a sustainable way...