Subtexts - an extension of

ThinkTank [EN]: 5. How e-urban works

Who we are, what we do, what we want ... (5) 

This is the fifth and last part of a series of introductions to the drafting of the Mission Statement (Mission, Methods, People - MMP). The preceding ones are: Homepage [EN]:1. Skills, Homepage [EN]: 2. Tools, Homepage [EN]: 3. Standards and Homepage [EN]: 4. Empowerment & Mission.

How e-urban works
For the moment (October 2006), we make a soft start, like we do as urban project managers when we tackle a new area, planting some scrubs and painting hope on ugly walls.
The e-urban website tries to do this, by:

  • 490214-312933-thumbnail.jpgsharing images of our daily practice (sidebar, under "IMAGES": Workplaces by Flickr and Photo-Galleries of events and cities, f.i.: Rencontres 2006),
  • 444887-282872-thumbnail.jpghighlighting some forerunners in Urban Regeneration (Profiles in Competence, sidebar), first victim of e-urban is Jean Hurstel from Strasbourg (photo),
  • Can't write anything.discussing the value of some upcoming (mainly international European-) events (Agenda-Upcoming Events shows the English-language posts in the Agenda),
  • Harassment. maintaining a central news and discussion blog, the Journal (Main), where you'll also find articles on background issues and more theoretical publications. By clicking on Journal > News [EN], you'll get all Journal posts written in English.
  • designing, discussing and developing papers that resume in a more authoritative way the urban practitioners' skills, tools, strategies, standards and ambitions. They are under MISSION METHODS PEOPLE in the Sidebar and can also be accessed through their introductions, as linked to the Homepage.
  • A lot of work. maintaining a number of individual blogs, called "UrBlogs", like the Regenera UrBlog (that deals with a specific project) and Huib's UrBlog, dealing with his his personal impressions, doubts, failures and accomplishments as an European urban adviser and as administrator of e-urban,
  • while slightly more ambition lies behind the Urbipedia- and Babel-sections of e-urban: Our aim is, to build an encyclopaedic collection of topics, elaborated for the use of urban practitioners (Urbipedia), and, at the same time to intervene into the often "Babylonic" confusion of tongues, as old and new words are constantly (re-)invented for aspects of urban policies, that do not mean what they seem to mean to foreign colleagues, or what they used to mean some years ago (Babel),
  • and, finally, some communication and information facilities like the Forum, the Guestbook, visitors' statistics, blogrolls and links to sites of interest to urban practitioners. (All in the Sidebar).

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